Traffic citations &
Ordinance violations
1-18-21 – Brittany A. Moyer – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
1-23-21 – Peter J. McConaglue -Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-23-21 – Taylor N. Zwanzig – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-23-21 – David P. Rockwell – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-22-21 – Raphyll L. Jordan – Unlicensed and driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-25-21 – Dhiresh Thakur – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-22-21 – Sonya K. Wilson – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
1-18-21 – Nancy J. Kisner – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
Incidents & Accidents
Stark County
1-13 -21– A traffic accident occurred on Veterans Parkway 150 feet west of North Franklin Street in Toulon. Driver Mark H. Grant, 63, of Galva, was operating a truck owned by Eagle Enterprises Recycling, Inc. when he struck the passenger side of a parked vehicle owned by the Stark County Sheriff’s Office. No tickets were issued but estimated damages to the vehicle were reported over $1,500.
1-16-21– A deer-related vehicle accident occurred on the Modena Blacktop and 950E. The driver involved was identified as Lucas Wisnefski, 23, of Wyoming. No injuries were reported but estimated damages to the vehicle were over $1,500.
1-19-21– A 77-year-old Toulon resident was reportedly a victim of unemployment fraud. The incident remains under investigation.
1-19-21– Ryan P. Miller, 43, Galesburg, was arrested on an outstanding McDonough County warrant. Unable to post a cash bond of $1,000 he was extradited to the McDonough County Jail.
1-21-21 – Chloe A. Sterling, 20, Princeton, was cited for driving an uninsured vehicle.
1-21-21 – Gary and Jeanne L. Hurst, of rural Toulon, reported being victims of an identity and or unemployment fraud. The incident remains under investigation.
1-22-21 – A harassment and threat complaint involving a 16-year-old victim possibly being bullied was reported. The incident remains under investigation through the Stark County Sheriff’s Department.
1-22-21 – Jason E. Rice, 46, Toulon, was arrested for driving under the influence, and was cited for disobeying a stop sign. He posted $100 cash bond and was released with a court date to appear.
1-23-21 – Jinx Thorne, Wyoming, reported being the victim of an identity theft and or unemployment fraud. An investigation is underway.
1-23-21 – Gregory D. Knowles, 64, Toulon, was arrested for driving under the influence, and for driving on the wrong side of the road. He later posted $100 cash bond and was released with a notice to appear in court.
Galva Report
Officer dispatched:
1-18-21 – to the 200 block of SE 6th Street for a loud music complaint.
1-19 – to the 500 block of SE 2nd Street for a disabled and abandoned vehicle complaint. The owner was contacted and the vehicle was towed.
1-19 – and met with a complainant at the Galva PD in reference to a missing juvenile. The juvenile was located and returned home.
1-19 – to a residence on SW 4th Street to remove an unwanted subject. The subject was gone upon the officer’s arrival.
1-19 – As the result of an investigation for a bad checks case, Richard Vedell, 56, Victoria, was arrested for deceptive practices. He was released with a notice to appear in court.
1-20 – to the 300 block of Front Street to investigate an altercation that happened over the weekend.
1-20 – to a residence on SW 4th Street for a welfare check. The subject was fine.
1-21– Officer was contacted by an official in DuPage County in reference to a juvenile warrant that had been issued on a Galva resident. Officer located the 16-year-old juvenile in the downtown area. Juvenile was transported to the Henry County Jail and turned over to an employee of the Mary Davis Juvenile Detention Facility.
1-21– to the west end of town for a reckless driving complaint on Route 34. The vehicle in question had already made it home.
1-22– to a trespassing complaint in the 00 block of Morgan Road.
1-22– to the 400 block of East Division Street to attempt to locate a wanted subject. As the result, Dyamonte Jyavante, 47, Galva, was arrested on a Henry County warrant for failure to appear in court on the charge of speeding and not having a valid driver’s license. He also had a Bureau County warrant for failure to appear on not having a valid driver’s license. Due to Covid restrictions, he was given notice to appear in each court and released.
1-23– to the 00 block of Morgan Road for a civil standby involving a landlord/tenent dispute.
1-24– to the 500 block of NW 8th Street for a trespassing/neighbor dispute.
1-22-21 – Jacob Christopher Price, Wyoming and Rachel Paige Remmert, Wyoming.