April 1 ballot features some contested elections

For The Prairie News

While there are no major national positions to decide in the upcoming April 1 consolidated election, the ballot for Stark County shows several contested races.

In the Wyoming mayoral election, Ian Potter and James Mercer are running against Incumbent Pat Maher.

In Bradford, Tony Carlton and Sharon Cauthon are vying to replace current Village President John Cler, who is running for village trustee.

Goshen Township has two contested races. Incumbent Highway Commissioner John Forstrom faces a challenge from write-in candidate Kevin Baumann. Six candidates are running for four trustee positions: Incumbents Joe Day, Danny Blakey and James Castagna and Joe Winans, Bryan Down and Brad Nelson.

In West Jersey Township, Incumbent Paul Webster and Rex Alm are on the ballot for township highway commissioner.

The highway commissioner spot is also contested in Essex Township, where John Carroll and Incumbent Michael Cox are on the ballot.

Two other contested races involve positions as college trustees. Four candidates are competing for two six-year terms on the Black Hawk Community College District 503 board of trustees: Douglas Strand, Mark Carlson, Jon Looney and Douglas Nelson. Strand is currently on the board.

Four candidates are also vying for two six-year terms on the Illinois Central Community College board: Gale Thetford, Christine Bare-Kemper, Diane Unes Lamb and Kim Armstrong.

Henry County Clerk Barbara Link said she is working on a sample ballot that should be available on the county website (www.henrycty.com/245/Sample-Ballot) by the end of this week or possibly next.

Early voting runs through March 31 at the Henry County Courthouse, in Link’s office. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.