Billtown discusses role in Elmwood wellness center

For The Weekly Post

WILLIAMSFIELD – The Village Board at its March 2 meeting heard Village President Matt Tonkin summarize a Feb. 29 meeting with the Elmwood Community Foundation, plus representatives from the YMCA and Graham Hospitals, regarding potential developments in Elmwood that could service a wider community with health and wellness programs. “It is the hope of representatives from both Williamsfield and Elmwood that the ECF plans can help lift up all of the rural communities within a short driving distance of Elmwood by having accessible health and well-being facilities,” Tonkin told The Weekly Post. “The ECF and the YMCA and Graham have discussed establishing shuttle services to and from Elmwood from neighboring communities so that those who have limited travel options can access the facilities.

“For Williamsfield, we are hoping that in addition to accessing facilities in Elmwood we can partner to establish wellness programs in Williamsfield such as YMCA-certified classes held at the school or other in-town facilities, and other programs,” he continued. “These are still the exploratory stages, but more will be learned in the coming weeks regarding specifics.”

Additionally, Trustees agreed on 2020-2021 budget parameters and forwarded the package to Massie Law for presentation next month. Also, Trustees approved the purchase of lumber and equipment to construct interior supporting walls for the Village maintenance building. “The building has great bones and is supported around the exterior walls by an indestructible b-Beam,” Tonkin said, “but the roof in areas has sagged due to the removal of interior supporting walls.”

In other news, 
• Trustee Stu Hickerson announced that he’ll be stepping down, and after receiving his letter of resignation the Board will start the process to find a replacement.
• Police Chief James Robertson bought a new all-wheel-drive police car that will be fitted with equipment before it can be used, at which time the existing police vehicle will be sold. Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino helped with the purchase.
• Trustees approved a 1.5 percent cost of living adjustment for all Village employees.
• April 25 is the Village’s paint/electronic recycling day, and the Board opted to keep it open for residents of Knox County rather than limit it to Williamsfield.   

BILL KNIGHT can be reached at