For The Weekly Post
BRIMFIELD – The sports cooperative agreement with Elmwood took up nearly 30 minutes of discussion at a Feb. 17 school board meeting before the board approved extending the agreement through the 2022-23 school year.
The board discussed financial costs of adding activities in case the coop dissolved and noted there are already questions about state funding and extra COVID-19 costs.
Sports included in the coop are football, cross-country, track, football cheerleading, softball and baseball. The board heard that Brimfield doesn’t have the ability to start its own football program, which was estimated to cost between $50,000 and $60,000.
The two-year extension will be revisited next year to see what to do with baseball and softball.
School Superintendent Tony Shinall in his report thanked the principals and athletic directors for preparing for the now resumed sports activities.
Shinall said Brimfield will “opt-in” to a pilot program named Safe2Help Illinois that commences March 1. The program is designed to provide a confidential system for students to report issues they “know or fear” will be happening in the school community.
Shinall said local school districts have begun discussing what end-of-year activities will, or could, look like in regards to prom and graduation. He said “prom may not happen.” Graduation is currently in the planning stage. He said there could be an outdoor ceremony or an indoor option using the district’s camera system.
High school Principal Billy Robison said Homecoming week is in full force, plus FFA week is Feb. 22-26. Robison congratulated Haley Wallace for winning the Lincoln Senior Scholar award by receiving multiple staff nominations. Also, eighth-grade visits occurred Feb. 23, during which students of the Class of 2025 discussed course selection options. Freshmen orientation will be planned, with COVID restrictions applicable.
A letter from Grade School Principal Julie Albritton was read and, according to the nurse’s message, COVID numbers have increased slightly in the past two weeks.
Also, grade school graduation is scheduled for May 20 at 7 p.m.
In other action, the board approved:
• Gorenz and Associates for the fiscal year audit;
• The 2021-22 school calendar;
• The retirement of grade school special education teacher Melissa McCauley;
• The resignation of Terri Reeves as high school custodian and hiring Nathan Porter to fill that position;
• Hiring Kevin Faulkner as 8th grade girls basketball coach.