Traffic citations &
Ordinance violations
Not available.
Incidents & Accidents
Stark County Report
3-23-20 –Ajay P. Patel, 41, Princeton, was cited for disobeying a stop sign.
3-31-20 – Melissa B. Brady, 38, Wyoming, reported the theft of a 17-foot canoe from her residence located on Modena Road. The incident remains under investigation.
Galva Report
3-30-20 – Officer was dispatched to the 600 block of Industrial Ave. for a loose pig running around. Several hours later, a resident from rural LaFayette called about her pig and was able to catch it and return it to the farm.
3-30-20 – Officer spoke to two different people by telephone about an ongoing child custody dispute. As a result, Cheryl Robson, 58, Galva, was issued a notice to appear in court for unlawful child visitation interference.
3-31-10 – Officer dispatched to the 900 block of SE 2nd Street for a suicidal subject. The subject was taken by ambulance for evaluation/treatment.
3-31-20 – Officer dispatched to the 800 block of NE 2nd Street for a loose dog complaint. Officer checked the area and was not able to locate the dog.
4-1-20 – Officer was advised that all the railroad crossings were blocked by a stopped train for about one hour. The train eventually moved.
4-1-20 – Officer dispatched to a residence in the 1000 block of West Division Street for an abandoned cat complaint. Officer called the resident who advised that he is taking care of the cat daily while remodeling the house.
4-1-20 – Officer dispatched to the 800 block of SE 1st Street for a suspicious vehicle complaint. It was determined to be the school staff dropping off educational material for students.
4-1-20 – Resident came to the Galva Police Department and advissed they had been involved in a minor property damage accident in the 500 block of SE 2nd Street. Upon checking, the other vehicle had also left the area without calling the police.
4-1-20 – Officer dispatched to Sentry Estates for a loud music complaint. Resident was advised to turn down the music.
4-2-20 – Officer dispatched to 400 block of NW 6th Ave. for a loose dog complaint. The dog was taken to the impound and later retrieved by its owner.
4-2-20 – Officer dispatched to Sentry Estates for a trespassing complaint.
4-2-20 – Officer dispatched to the 00 block of NE 2nd Street for a complaint involving children playing near the roadway.
4-3-20 – Officer was advised that all railroad crossings in Galva were blocked by a stopped train. It moved about 45 minutes later.
4-3-20 – Officer was dispatched to the Galva Park District for a complaint involving a group of people not using social distancing guidelines. They were dispersed.
4-3-20 – Officer dispatched to the 200 block of NE 4th Ave. for a criminal damage to property complaint.
4-4-20 – Officer was dispatched to the 900 block of SE 2nd Street for a loose dog complaint. The owner found the dog and took it back home.
4-4-20 – Officer was advised of a controlled burn in the 700 block of NW 3rd Ave.
4-4-20 – Officer was advised about a lost wallet and cell phone in the 00 block of SW 2nd Street.
4-4-20 – Officer was dispatched to a two-vehicle accident with damage only in the 200 block of SE 1st Ave. As a result, Rebecca Johnson, 22, Galva, was issued a citation for improper backing.
4-5-20 – Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NW 4th Street for a loose dog complaint. The dog was impounded.
4-5-20 – Officer was advised that the railroad crossing at NE 6th Ave. was malfunctioning. The gates were flashing and down with no train present. BNSF was advised for needed repairs.
Property Transfers
3-30-20 – Jane Iris Ehnle to Brian H. Walder – Und 20% Int Pt 36-12-7 SW. Consideration = $189,500.00.
3-30-20 – Connie S. Christ to Nickolas J. M. Rumbold – 12-12-5 NW NE. Consideration = $395,500.00.
3-31-20 – Christopher and Kathryn E. Hillyer to Jacob A. and Jordan A. Rumbold – Fair Acres Subdivision – Pt Lot 11 – 106 N. Third Street, Wyoming, IL. Consideration = $80,200.00.
3-31-20 – Mary Canaday-Gray and Joel Gray to Christopher and Kathryn Hillyer – Fair Acres Subdivision, 101 N. Third Street, Wyoming, IL. Consideration = $130,000.00.
4-3-20 – Derek L. Stutler to Dwaine L. Stutler – Kissinger’s Add’n to Castleton – Block 6, Lots 6,7,8. Consideration = $0.00.