Elmwood to ban parking, hires new employee

For The Weekly Post

ELMWOOD – In an abbreviated 14-minute session, the Elmwood City Council met Tuesday, Feb. 18 and discussed two agenda items.

The council agreed to ban parking on South Lilac Street during the Illinois Department of Transportation [IDOT] construction project. Also, a new employee was hired for the water and street department.

Parking on South Lilac Street will be prohibited from approximately May until late Fall while IDOT constructs a new Route 78 bridge west of Elmwood. South Lilac Street has been designated for the detour route while the construction continues.

“We should look at closing off parking during the detour. We’ll have to have an ordinance drawn up to do this,” Mayor Bryan Davis stated. “If we pass this, flyers should be made and taken door to door stating this is the reason why

Parking on South Lilac Street will be prohibited from approximately May until late Fall while IDOT constructs a new Route 78 bridge west of Elmwood. South Lilac Street has been designated for the detour route while the construction continues.

“We should look at closing off parking during the detour. We’ll have to have an ordinance drawn up to do this,” Mayor Bryan Davis stated. “If we pass this, flyers should be made and taken door to door stating this is the reason why and apologize for the inconvenience.”

The council voted unanimously to hire Williamsfield native Bryce Smith, now of Elmwood, as the new water and street department employee. Smith will be offered $15.50 an hour, which is within the salary range that was advertised. Smith has prior experience with Williamsfield’s water and street department.