Five school districts in The Weekly Post area are working to comply with
Gov. Pritzker’s order shutting down schools from March 17 through
March 30.
Brimfield is on its Spring Break this week, and Elmwood and Williamsfield both cancelled classes on Monday, too; Princeville schools were open for one hour Monday to let students pick up materials; and Farmington held classes to help teachers and students transition to the closure, the state suggested.
Farmington enacted its Alternative Learning Days starting Tuesday, and
Elmwood launched its own Alternative Learning Days system Monday.
In Princeville, Superintendent Shannon Duling said, “We utilized ELearning for snow days last year, so many of our staff and students are prepared to institute during the closure.
All students K-12 will have a Chromebook to take home over the extended closure.” Williamsfield Superintendent Tim Farquer said District 210 hasn’t started an Elearning arrangement, but if schools are out longer than two weeks, it may.
Brimfield High School Principal Tony Shinall said, “Brimfield schools will begin E-Learning on March 23.”
Brimfield and Princeville at press time were still working out ways to offer
lunches, and the other three districts are implementing procedures to feed eligible students.
“We will be offering lunches throughout the closure period to students and families that indicate a need,” said Elmwood Superintendent Chad Wagner.
Williamsfield, which offers breakfast and lunch, is working on continuing the service, Farquer said, and Farmington is planning an innovative plan.
“We’re working on a ‘drive-through’ format from 11-1 each day,” said Farmington Superintendent Zac Chatterton.
Meanwhile, each of the five districts is still organizing a designated administrator or rotating staffer to be at school for students who need somewhere to go during the shutdown.