Traffic citations &
Ordinance violations
5-22-20 – Cameron S. Nickerson – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
5-19-20 – Tiamera M. Wolin – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
5-23-20 – Kimberly M. Hess – Speeding 35+ mph over limit.
5-21-20 – Laquisha L. Williams – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
5-21-20 – Laquisha L. Williams – Driver’s license expired more than a year.
5-27-20 – Dustin R. Williams – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
5-30-20 – Justin W. Collins – Driving 21-25 mph above the limit.
5-29-20 – Adrianna G. Hughes – Driving 21-25 mph above limit.
5-29-20 – Christian D. Cooper – Driving 15-20 mph above limit.
5-30-20 – Jayden N. Leber – Unlicensed.
5-30-20 – Kenny J. Sargeant – Operating an uninsured motor vehicle.
5-30-20 – Kane H. Newton – Operating an uninsured motor vehicle.
5-30-20 – Alexandra C. Axelson – Operating an uninsured motor vehicle.
Incidents & Accidents
Stark County Report
5-13-20 – A single-vehicle accident occurred on Route 78 approximately one-half mile north of 700N. The driver involved was identified as Coty J. Gilson, 27, of Morton, who lost control of his vehicle and ran into the ditch on the east side of the highway before the car rolled several times. A passenger, Stormie M. York, 23, of Pekin, was ejected from the vehicle. Both victims were transported by Stark County Ambulance to St. Luke Hospital, in Kewanee.
5-25-20 – A two-vehicle accident occurred on Route 78 and 400 N. Drivers involved were George A. Koustas, 54, of Geneseo, and Nicole M. Tye, 20, of Kewanee. Koustas reportedly was attempting to pass a slow-moving vehicle and did not see the oncoming vehicle being driven by Tye. Koustas attempted to drive off the road to his left and collided with Tye’s car. Tye and three additional passengers were all transported by Stark County Ambulance to St. Luke Hospital, in Kewanee. Koustas was cited for improper passing.
5-30-20 – A motorcycle accident occurred on Route 17 east of 225 E. The driver involved was Donna J. Foreman, 48, of Monmouth. Foreman was approaching a curve when the vehicle left the road and went into the ditch before coming to rest approoximately 20 feet into a field. Foreman was transported by Stark County Ambulance to St. Luke Hospital in Kewanee. Foreman was cited for operating an uninsured vehicle.
5-24-20 – Lawrence R. Self, 26, Toulon, was arrested for improper lane usage, driving under the influence, driving under the influence with a blood alcohol content over .08, and driving while his license was revoked. He posted $300 cash bond and was released with a court date to appear.
5-25-20 – Tori C. Selser, 21, Sublette, was issued a notice to appear for harboring a runaway.
5-26-20 – Chad E. Van Camp, 43, Fairmont, was issued a notice to appear for disobeying a controlled access highway restriction.
5-26-20 – Dewayne L. Weir, 59, Kewanee, was cited for driving without insurance. He was issued a notice to appear.
5-27-20 – Marco Antonio Ramos-Orta, 20, Kewanee, was issued multiple traffic violations for speeding 73 mph in a 55 zone, operating an uninsured vehicle, and illegal transportation of alcohol.
5-28-20 – Tyrell L. Lobdell, 27, Peoria, was arrested fordriving without a valid driver’s license, and for speeding 73 mph in a 55 zone,.
5-30-20 – A 17-year-old Peoria juvenile was cited for driving without a valid driver’s license, and for unlawful display on a vehicle license plate.
Galva Report
5-25-20 – Officer dispatched to a residence on SE 7th Ave. for a suicidal subject. Stark County Ambulance transported subject for treatment/evaluation.
5-25-20 – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a complaint involving a subject lighting fires who reportedly had no clothes on. The subject was dressed upon the officer’s arrival and was advised of the city burn days. A small fire was stomped out.
5-25-10 – Officer dispatched to the Chester Street railroad crossing for a report involving damage to a crossing gate.
5-25-20 – Officer notified BNSF Railroad about a train that was stopped and blocking all Galva crossings.
5-26-20 – Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of NW 2nd Street for a verbal domestic dispute.
5-26-20 – As a result of a traffic stop in the 1000 block of North Center Ave., Dustin Gorden, 36, Kewanee, was arrested for driving while license suspended, operating an uninsured vehicle, and improper use of registration. He was released with a required court date.
5-26-20 – As a result of a traffic stop in the 600 block of West Division Street, Jonathan Axelson, 30, Galva was cited for violation of classification – no motorcycle endorsement. He was issued a notice to appear in court and released.
5-26-20 – Officer was dispatched to the intersection of SE 2nd Street and SE 4th Ave. to check the welfare of an elderly subject. Officer was unable to locate.
5-27-20 – Officer dispatched to assist the Henry County Sheriff’s Department with an unoccupied and wrecked vehicle on South County Road near Industrial Ave.
5-27-20 – Officer dispatched to the 500 block of SE 5th Ave. for an abandoned vehicle. The owner was contacted for removal.
5-27-20 – Officer dispatched to the 200 block of SW 3rd Street for a fight involving several juveniles.
5-27-20 – Officer dispatched to the 00 block of NE 2nd Street for a physical domestic disturbance. As a result, Noah Hess, 23, Kewanee, was arrested for domestic battery. Also, the Illinois Department of Corrections issued a parole violation warrant based upon the new charges. He was taken to the Henry County Jail.
5-28-20 – Officer dispatched to the 00 block of NW 4th Street for an attempted credit card scam.
5-28-20 – Officer dispatched to the 1200 block of NW 3rd Ave. to remove an unwanted subject.
5-28-20 – Officer assisted a citizen with catching a loose dog near the intersection of SW 6th Street at SW 5th Ave.
5-28-20 – Officer dispatched to the 500 block of SE 4th Street for an attempted telephone scam.
5-29-20 – Officer dispatched to Sentry Estates for a phone scam.
5-30-20 – Officer dispatched to the 400 block of NW 9th Street for a loose dog complaint.
5-30-20 – Officer dispatched to the 800 block of East Division Street for a battery complaint. As a result, Kelli Kraft, 18, Galva, was arrested for aggravated battery. She was taken to the Henry County Jail.
5-31-20 – Officer dispatched to Sentry Estates for a complaint of someone knocking on doors and running.
Property Transfers
5-29-20 – Robert L. Goerks, Dec’d by Exec. to Michael Sparks – Speer’s 1st Add’n to Speer – 101 McKinley Street, Speer, Il. – Block 1 Lot 1. Consideration = $11,000.00.
5-29-20 – Jack L. Bitting to Jack L. Bitting, Trustee – Pt Sect 16-12-5 NW, SW, SE, NE. Consideration = $0.00.