Ad Rates



Dear Advertiser:

While our business seems to have survived COVID and all that accompanied the pandemic, the craziness is clearly not over. In the past few months, most of our production costs have increased. Notable increases were in newsprint, gas, postage, and payroll. While we were happy to pay more payroll, since all our staff stuck with us through COVID, the other increases hurt more. As a result, we must raise ad rates for the first time in several years.

My hope is that the increase is manageable for your business. For a business-card sized ad in our newspapers, the increase equates to $2 per insertion. Because we value our longtime customers, we are also offering a pre-pay opportunity at the old rate. If you pre-pay for a full year by April 15, we will honor the old pricing for your ads for that one-year period. Thank you for your support and understanding. We appreciate your business.

Publisher, The Weekly Post and The Prairie News
(309) 231-6040