Of a new columnist, seed spread & funky flags

Rambling through central Illinois, hoping for more snow.

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In our pursuit of providing reasons to read this paper, we have added another writer to the mix. Printed below is a column by Richard Koritz, a former DeWitt County state’s attorney.

Koritz writes regularly for The Clinton Journal, one of several newspapers sent my way each week. Over the past few years, I’ve started looking forward to seeing The Journal in the mail – mainly so I can read what Koritz has to say, even though I don’t always agree with him.

Seems to me being challenged by someone whose views don’t always mirror your own is a good thing, even though that has become an unpopular view.

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Despite freezing rain and generally nasty conditions, last Saturday’s seed extravaganza in Yates City was well attended. Thanks to all who came out, some from as far as Toulon. For those who stayed home due to the nasty weather, stay tuned, as a similar event may be held at the Maquon Public Library later this winter. … Highlight of the seed exchange for me was the number of people seeking to plant prairie in places where there is currently none.

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Well, you obviously don’t need much formal training to design state flags. What else can be concluded from the 10 potential state flag designs chosen out of 5,000 submitted to the Illinois Flag Commission? Voting is to be conducted in 2025 and the commission plans to release a non-binding recommendation in the spring. The Illinois General Assembly has the final say. Here’s hoping they keep the old flag or a slightly modified version with vertical red and blue bars on either side. … Parting shot: This from the Mayor of Oak Hill, in between sips, “Have a cool Yule and a frantic first and may your prayers be answered.”
Contact Jeff Lampe at (309) 231-6040