Of generous folks, singing birds & NFL angst

Rambling through central Illinois, pondering how it’s possible for the temperature to drop 40 degrees in one day.

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The generosity of local folks continues to impress. Every weekend brings a new fundraiser and every weekend there’s more money being donated to good causes.

In Brimfield last weekend, the final Whitney’s Walk for Life Chili Cook-Off raised $20,400 for mental health and suicide prevention programs. That’s an amazing amount of money for a one-day event and brings the total for 16 chili cook-offs to $183,000, according to organizer Janet Fishel.

In Farmington, a recent fundraiser held by Officer Andy Steck for the city’s K-9 program generated $9,025.

Elmwood’s Kiwanis Pancake Day last Saturday topped $3,600.
And last Saturday in Elmwood, the third Raccoon Roundup raised $7,231 for the Elmwood High School FFA program and trap team and the Community Wellness Center.

While that last fundraiser remains controversial in the minds of some, I remain steadfast in supporting an event that led to the demise of 841 raccoons. I promise, wild turkeys, pheasants, bluebirds and others whose nests are raided regularly by raccoons will sing happily this spring when they can actually hatch some eggs.

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The NFL can’t be happy. Here comes the Super Bowl and people are still grumbling about refs cheating for the Chiefs. Hard as it is to say, I don’t think that’s true (though it once was for the Patriots). But the league definitely protects its most valuable quarterbacks, based on what to me looks like a clear pecking order. Standing atop the list is Patrick Mahomes, who has replaced Tom Brady as the league’s most precious porcelain doll. Not far back is Josh Allen of the Bills, who gets a fair share of calls and, hate to admit it, takes dives with the best of them. Plus, he even had a ref come talk to him on the bench one game after not making a call, which seemed extremely fishy. One top-tier QB who doesn’t seem to get many calls is Lamar Jackson of the Ravens. Make of that what you will.

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After a successful change of location for the main stage during last year’s Brimfield’s Old Settlers Days, this summer’s lineup already includes popular acts. Scheduled for Thursday is Taylor Bruninga. On the main stage Friday will be Mixtape Mayhem opening for Decade of Decadence, well known for its 1980s hair-band covers. On an all-country Saturday, the Huffer Brothers are up first, followed by the Austyn Weston Band. And yes, the fried chicken will be back. … Parting shot: People had more fun in the old days. Consider this accounting of the organizing meeting of the Elmwood Kiwanis Club from the Jan. 31, 1924, Elmwood Gazette: “Never has the Inn been the scene of such a spirited meeting, with fine food, volleys of oratory and tuneful songs.” Kiwanis meetings I’ve attended have never been that memorable.

Contact Jeff Lampe at (309) 231-6040 or jeff@wklypost.com