Princeville ponders lights at baseball diamond

For The Weekly Post

PRINCEVILLE – The Princeville School Board on Jan. 20 approved a 2022-23 district calendar that shows an Aug. 16 first day of school for students.
Other significant dates in the calendar include a Nov. 23-25 Thanksgiving holiday; Dec. 21-Jan. 3 winter break; April 3-10, 2023, spring break; May 21, 2023 graduation; and a May 24, 2023, final day of school (if no emergency days are used).
The board also heard that a light pole was downed at the baseball diamond during a recent wind event, which also took down a flag pole at the diamond and a metal panel off the southeast entrance of the school.
The district received $25,000 from its insurance company to cover the damages. But there is concern that due to the age and condition of other light poles, they could come down too. Replacing lights with a system similar to the football field would cost around $205,000, plus installation costs. The plan is to seek another quote and to contact little league organizers to hear their opinion.
In other action, the board tabled bids to build a district storage building after bids came in much higher than expected. The original estimated cost for the shed was under $200,000, but the lowest actual bid came in at just under $380,000.
Superintendent Shannon Duling said the administration is, “looking at possible options” that include rebidding the project or moving the building to the high school to reduce the cost of foundation work.
On Jan. 20, the board also:
• Approved the resignation of Carrie Thomas as a part-time nurse.
• Heard about a partnership with the Center for Prevention and Abuse for a one-day-a week, 12-week program with junior high students.
• Approved Duling’s evaluation.
December meeting – At its Dec. 15 meeting, the board had approved a bus lease with Midwest Transit for two activity buses and eight full-size buses for an annual cost of $178,834.
The board also voted in favor of bids of $148,717 from ICCI and $120,233 from Aupperle Construction to repair and replace the parking lot at the Junior/Senior High School.
On Dec. 15, the board also:
• Approved Lauren Stephens as 8th grade volleyball coach, Roseanne Urbanc as play director and Carrie Warren as Bright Futures aide.
• Approved upgrading camera systems not to exceed $17,000.
• Heard that Illinois State Scholars this year were Amber Brawley, Cole Brower, Grant Hunt, Dakoda Maguire, Olivia Menold, Luke Pipkins and Caitlyn Thole.
• Heard comments from two members of the public concerned about the high number of students in COVID quarantine and isolation.