NOTE: Charges are merely an accusation. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Traffic citations &
Ordinance violations
3-7 – Grace M. Greulich – No valid registration for a vehicle and for a horse trailer.
Incidents & Accidents
Stark County
3-4 – Anabelle E. Twomey, 23, Galva, was cited for improper lane usage and possession of a controlled substance. She was released with a notice to appear and the vehicle was towed to the Stark County impound lot.
3-5 – Caleb A. Deck, 47, Wyoming, was arrested for domestic battery. He was taken into custody and later transported to Bureau County Jail.
3-6 – Colin E. Kear, 28, Wyoming, was cited for driving while his driver’s license was suspended. He was issued a court date and his vehicle was towed to the impound lot.
3-8 – Jacob D. Bartok, 47, Eldorado, was ticketed for speeding 82 mph in a 55 zone. He was issued a court date.
3-8 – Don K. Clay, 20, Kewanee, was cited for driving while his license was suspended, speeding 77 mph in a 55 zone and failure to wear a seat belt by the driver. He was released with a court date and his vehicle was impounded.
3-8 – Nicholas W. Ogorzalek, 40, Kewanee, was ticketed for disobeying a traffic control device and for operation of an uninsured vehicle. He was issued a court date.
3-8 – A missing 16-year-old Geneseo juvenile was located by authorities from the Stark County Sheriff’s Department. The teen was turned over to a parent.
3-9 – A possible battery complaint was reported by a Wyoming resident.
Knox County report
2-27 – A rural Galva man who claimed someone tortured two of his dogs, including putting one in his freezer, was to undergo a mental-health evaluation.
A Knox County Sheriff’s Office deputy was summoned about 11:30 p.m. to a residence in the 2900 block of Knox Road 1900 East. The 49-year-old male resident said he arrived home to find a partially open kitchen window and his Yorkshire terrier-chihuahua dog in the freezer.
The deputy noted the animal had a skin condition and another dog, a pit bull, had a rash, although he saw no evidence of abuse. The resident said he had two deceased dogs in his freezer awaiting cremation, according to a sheriff’s-office report.
When the deputy contacted the man’s 65-year-old wife, she said she had not been to the residence in at least a month. Stark County Ambulance responded, but the man refused immediate medical treatment. The sheriff’s animal-control division was to investigate.
Galva Report
Officer dispatched:
3-3 – to the 500 block of SE 2nd St. to recover a wallete. The officer returned the wallet to its owner.
3-3 – to assist Knox County checking a residence for a vehicle that was involved in a pursuit earlier. The suspect was not located.
3-4 – to assist the Bureau County Coroner’s office with a death notification at a residence on SE 2nd St.
3-4 – to the 500 block of SW 3rd Ave. for a traffic complaint.
3-5 – to speak with a resident in the 100 block of NE 9th St. about a city ordinance violation.
3-5 – to speak with residents in the 00 block of NE 9th St., the 300 block of SW 4th Ave. and the 500 block of SW 3rd St. about city ordinance violations.
3-5 – along with the fire department near the intersection of S. Center Ave. and SW 3rd St. for a downed power line and a transformer that was sparking. Ameren also responded for repairs.
3-6 – to provide traffic control for Dawson Technologies as they completed a study along U.S. Route 34 east of town.
3-6 – to the 100 block of NE 3rd St. to attempt to locate a vehicle owner of a disabled vehicle near Woodhull. The vehicle had a flat tire, which was replaced and then removed.
3-7 – to the intersection of SE 8th Ave. and SE 2nd St. for a two-vehicle accident with damage only.
3-7 – to the 100 block of SE 4th St. for a domestic dispute.
3-8 – to the SW 6th Ave. railroad tracks for a crossing-arm malfunction. The gates were activated but no trains were present. BNSF was contacted for repairs.
3-8 – to the 300 block of SW 3rd St. for a subject screaming and yelling. The subject was suffering from a mental-health crisis but agreed to keep the noise down.
3-8 – to the 300 block of NW 1st St. for a report of juveniles knocking on the door and running away. Officer could not locate the subjects.
3-9 – to the 400 block of SE 7th Ave. for a verbal domestic dispute.
3-9 – to the 800 block of NE 3rd Ave. for a loose-dog complaint.
3-9 – to the 700 block of NW 1st Ave. for a loose-dog complaint. Two dogs were impounded.
3-9 – to watch the east edge of town for a reckless driver after a traffic complaint. The suspect vehicle was located and stopped. A written warning was given.
3-9 – Officer was notified that several people complained about a stopped train. BNSF was contacted and the train eventually moved.
3-9 – Adeeba Rashid, 60, Kewanee, cited for expired registration in the 1000 block of SE 2nd St.
3-9 – Patrick Pendergast, 60, Galesburg, cited for speeding in the 1000 block of SE 2nd St.
Property Transfers
3-3 – Rodney Stahl to Cathy A. and Rodney L. Stahl – Und. 1/2 Int. Pt. Sect. 14-12-6 SE and Und. 1/2 Int. Pt. Sect. 23-12-6 NE – Consideration = $0.
3-3 – Cathy A. and Rodney L. Stahl to William Stahl – Und. 1/2 Int. Pt. Sect. 14-12-6 SE and Und. 1/2 Int. Pt. Sect. 23-12-6 NE -Consideration = $281,750.
3-4 – Loretta Mae Rumbold to Rumbold & Kuhn Inc. – Pt. Sect. 11-12-7 SW – 16357 N. Valley Rd., Wyoming – Consideration = $50,000.
3-4 – Barbara J. and David K. Klumpp to Andrew D., Bryan K., Daniel J. and Kevin R. Klumpp – Und. 10% Int. Pt. Sect. 9-13-7 SW – Consideration = $0.
3-4 – Mark R. Daum to Jessica and Teri Mitchell – Pt. Sect. 35-13-6 SE – 308 N. 7th St., Wyoming – Consideration = $124,000.
3-5 – Carole and Terry Colgan to KJLK Properties LLC, Anne L. and Joseph K. Westart – Pts. Sect. 2-12-6 SE – Consideration = $23,000.
3-6 – Angela R. and Ian Houghton to One Schott Properties LLC – Henderson and Whitaker’s Add’n – Pt. Block 20 Lots 2,3,4,5 – 310 N. Franklin St., Toulon – Consideration = $60,000.