Princeville graduation rescheduled

For The Weekly Post

PRINCEVILLE – Princeville had to move its high school graduation to the last day of school on Wednesday, May 26, at 6 p.m. in the high school gymnasium after nine seniors had to be quarantined May 16-26.
Also to be held on May 26 was the 8th grade recognition program at 8:15 a.m.
That was one topic of discussion at the May 18 meeting of the school board, during which the board handled a variety of regular tasks.
Those tasks included approving setting an amended budget hearing for Tuesday, June 16, at 6:45 p.m.
Other action items included approving the trade-in of a 2006 mower for a new mower at a cost not to exceed $8,240 from Smith and Potter Equipment.
The board also approved a 2021-22 Risk Management Plan and Job Descriptions and hired Wren Coats as a summer student custodian.
On hand at the meeting were Tom Martin and Don Stahl, who presented a check for $2,614.50 from Knights of Columbus fundraisers that will be earmarked for special education students.
The board also:
• Heard that Sterling Merit Award winners for 2020-21 were Camille Daugherty, Caroline Gill, Libby Martin, Lindsey Meisenheimer and Taryn Steidinger.
• Accepted resignations from Jeff Kratzer as head boys basketball coach and football assistant Mark Francis.
• Scheduled a June 17 self-evaluation session with the IASB at 6 p.m.
• Approved an FFA canoe trip to Eminence, Mo.
• Heard that 84 students, parents and staff members took part in two COVID-19 vaccination clinics.
• Heard that enrollment was at 693, down 26 compared to May of 2020. Superintendent Shannon Duling said some migrant students have already been enrolling for next year ahead of schedule due to how the pandemic has impacted schools in Texas.
• Heard that the school district has continued to use a 14-day COVID-19 quarantine period for students due to a high number of positive cases in the area. Staff quarantine time is 10 days.
• Discussed a board conference set for Nov. 19-21.
• Heard that students raised $1,875.65 from May 10-14 for the family of Brynne Feddericke.